Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hello World!

      I've made many attempts in the past to create a blog--all of which failed miserably by the way and were completely random such as my Club Penguin blog, which I staved over for my complete fifth grade summer, or my Mgymnastbeauty blog that mixed gymnastics with beauty even though I had just began to wear makeup and knew nothing at all about the subject. But hey, that’s life for ya! Nobody is perfect and things aren’t going to always work out on your first try! And I guess since I’ve been attempting to blog since I was in fifth grade that means that this is my destiny, as corny as that sounds! So today I’m deciding to take another go at this whole blogging thing.

     So now I have this blog which I'm vowing will be my new one and only blog. This is going to be my new home. And I’ve thought a lot about what this blog should be about and have decided that I would mash together all topics I'm interested in and make it into a lifestyle blog. I hope to take you all on this journey with me as I travel, find new and amazing make up products give you tips and write about whatever else I feel like writing about that day. So I guess since this is my first blog post you don't really know much about me…

So I guess I should introduce myself.
My name is Miranda but my family calls me Randa and my friends call me Mir. You can call me whatever you want though, it doesn't really matter to me.

      I'm a level 9 gymnast and gymnastics coach who is obsessed with fitness and health. I'm 18 years young which is exciting yet scary and brings a whole new chapter in my life since I'm now considered an adult.

Lets see what else....
I have a family of 6. My mom, dad, brother Parker, Welsh Corgi Christina, Chihuahua Misty and me. We are one big happy family!

      I'm a senior in high school and can't wait until I graduate and go off to college. I also have a You Tube channel called SimplyRandaPaige, just like this blogs name, where I have over 2,000 subscribers and make videos from gymnastics and beauty to health and fitness. I'm also a Christian and Jesus is my Lord and savior who I love very much. My favorite bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and is the verse I live by. Well that's simply me, hence the name of my blog.



  1. Hello, Randa! Your blog is off to a great start. I love all the pics of your family and adorable dogs! I can't wait to read future posts. Keep up the good work:) I hope I followed your blog correctly, but I didn't see your Google Friend Connect button?


    1. i actually couldn't get GFC so i did a little research and it is no longer available to people who don't already have it. *sigh* so i suppose i'll just have to use bog lovin! I'm still trying to figure this whole bloggin thing out though!

  2. You are just adorable!!! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog, i'm glad you asked me to check yours out. I'm about to follow you on BlogLovin.. you should get a link on your profile so other people can too :) x

  3. I'd love to be good at gymnastics, looks like so much fun! Welcome to the blogging world, it's lovely here and everyone is so nice, so enjoy :)

    A little bit Unique


    1. thanks! and i'm checking out your blog right now!

  4. Wow @ the gymnastics pic! I always wanted to be a gymnast when I was younger. Good luck with the blog, you should definitely stick to it this time around. :)

  5. wow~ that's fantastic~ you looks so beautiful~


    Please leave a message if you follow my blog i will follow yours back~LOL~

    1. thanks and i'll definitely be stopping by your blog later!
